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Maitland High School

Maitland High School

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Subject Selection

Introduction to Year 11 subjects at Maitland High School.


An overview of Year 11 requirements for students

In Stage 6 (Year 11 and 12), all courses have a value of 1 unit or 2 units. Most courses are 2 unit courses. All 2 Unit courses comprise a Year 11 component (Year 11 Terms 1-3) and a Year 12 component (beginning in Year 11 Term 4) and concluding with the final HSC examinations. To take an HSC course, a student must have successfully completed the corresponding Year 11 course.

English Extension (1 unit) and Mathematics Extension (1 unit) courses are also available in Year 11.

Year 11 pattern of study requirements

NESA guidelines require students in Year 11 to study a minimum of 12 units. 

A typical pattern of study looks like:

• 2 units of English
• 2 unit course
• 2 unit course
• 2 unit course
• 2 unit course
• 2 unit course

In addition to these 12 units, students may then optionally choose to add 1 unit English Extension, 1 unit Mathematics Extension or 2 units of TAFE up to a maximum of 14 units.

Please view the video below for a general introduction to subjects in Stage 6, including advice on how to pick your pattern of study. 

Follow the link to each faculty to find out about the courses offered in Year 11, 2021.

English faculty CAPA faculty Computer faculty
HSIE faculty LOTE faculty Mathematics faculty
PDHPE faculty Science faculty TAS faculty

Students may elect to study a course at TAFE - courses offered for 2021, and their location, have been included here.

Click here for the Stage 6 2021 Prospectus