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Maitland High School

Maitland High School

Successful Teachers, Successful Students, Successful School

Telephone02 4933 7933

Attendance and absence

bell times

Bell Times:

All school days will commence at 9.00am and finish at 3.10pm across the school week. 

Arriving at school and class on time:

Attendance update 

It has been wonderful to see our students at school before 9:05am and attending all classes on time.

Arriving at school and class on time:

  • ensures that students don’t miss out on the important learning activities scheduled early in the day when the students are most alert
  • helps students learn the importance of punctuality and routine
  • gives students time to greet their friends before class and therefore,
  • reduces the opportunity for classroom disruption.

At Maitland High School, all students should:

  • aim for 100% attendance
  • when absent, make sure they hand in an appropriate note the next day or their parent/carer has contacted the Administration Office on 49337933
  • be on time and ready for all school activities and lessons
  • leave the playground promptly at the roll-call/recess/lunch bell
  • when late, make sure they have a signed late note and sign in at the Front Office
  • ensure they go through the Front Office if sick and need to go home early (under no circumstances should a child ring their parents directly and ask them to come and pick them up from school prior to the end of the day.)

What should I do if my child arrives late to school?

Lateness is recorded as a partial absence and must be explained by parents or carers in the same way as other forms of absence.

If the student arrives late (after 9am) they must go to the Administration Office and be signed in. They will then be issued with a late arrival slip, which they are to give to their class teacher when they enter the room.

Valid reasons for being late to school may include:

  • having an unavoidable medical or dental appointment (preferably, these should be made after school or during holidays)
  • being required to attend an exceptional or urgent family circumstance (such as attending a funeral)
  • school bus breaking down. 


If your child has to be absent from school, it is important to tell the school and provide a reason for the absence within 7 days from the first day of any period of absence. To explain an absence parents and carers may:

  • Use the Sentral Parent Portal

  • send a note, fax or email to the school

  • reply to the SMS sent by the school

  • telephone the school or

  • visit the school

Failure to explain an absence within 7 days from the first day of the absence will be recorded as an unjustified absence on a student's record. The school will inform parents if a student is absent from school without explanation.

What is a justified reason for being absent from school?

Justified reasons for absences may include the student:

  • has an unavoidable medical or dental appointment (preferably these should be made after school or during holidays)
  • has to go to a special religious ceremony
  • is required to attend a serious and/or urgent family situation (e.g. a funeral)
  • is too sick to go to school, or has an infectious illness.

Absences for reasons such as some of the following may not be justified:

  • shopping
  • sleeping in
  • working around the house
  • minding younger siblings and other children
  • minor family events such as birthdays
  • hair cuts

Leave passes

All secondary students who wish to leave school during normal school hours must carry a special Leave Pass issued by the school. This leave pass helps police and home school liaison personnel to identify students who are absent from school without good reason.

What should I do if my child needs a leave pass?

A note signed by the parent/guardian, dated and with reason given, must be presented to the Administration Office before 9am. Students can collect their Leaver Pass from the Administration Office during break times. This pass is to be presented to the classroom teacher when the student needs to leave class and should be kept with them when they leave the school premises via the Administration Office.

What should I do if our family is going on holiday in school time?

Parents and carers are encouraged not to withdraw their children from school for family holidays. Students can no longer be exempted from school to travel or holiday during school time. If parents wish students to travel or holiday during school time, an application for extended leave should be submitted to the school. If the principal determines the travel is appropriate, then extended leave can be granted. Please contact the Administration Office if you require further information.

Regular attendance at school is fundamental to student learning. Students who attend school regularly are more likely to achieve educational success, and increase their career and life options. Poor patterns of attendance place students at risk of not achieving their educational, social and psychological potential and disadvantage them in the quality of choices they are able to make in later life.

Remember to learn effectively, students need to be:

In class…on time…that’s the rule!

If you have concerns or queries regarding your child’s attendance please contact the front office on 02 4933 7933 or you may email me directly:

Megan Elliott

Student Attendance Manager