Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10.
According to the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA), students are expected to participate in PDHPE for 300 hours per year in Years 7 to 10.
Personal Development Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) is one of the key learning areas in all NSW School Curricula. The syllabus provides a strengths-based approach towards developing the knowledge, understanding and skills students need to enhance their own and others’ health, safety, wellbeing and participation in physical activity in varied and changing contexts. The syllabus provides opportunities for students to develop self-management, interpersonal and movement skills to help students become empowered, self-confident and socially responsible citizens.
The PDHPE Years 7–10 Syllabus includes Life Skills outcomes and content for students with a disability.
All 7 – 10 students have four PDHPE lessons in a two-week cycle - two theory and two practical lessons. Students receive a work booklet each term for their theory lessons and are expected to be appropriately dressed for each practical lesson.
In Year 11 and 12, courses available include:
- Community and Family Studies
- Dance
- Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
- Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation Studies.
All faculty members encourage students to reach their potential in a safe learning environment. Each PDHPE teacher is actively involved in coaching successful sporting teams and coordinating fitness sessions in our comprehensive Fitness Lab.
Faculty Members
Mrs Michele Burgess, Head Teacher (Relieving):
Mrs Stephanie Ryan (Year 11 Advisor):
Mr Nicholas Bower (Sports Organiser):
Mr John Dobija (Boys Advisor):
Mr Jake Fletcher (Year 12 Advisor):
Mrs Sarah Gambrill (HT Wellbeing and Dance Coordinator):
Mrs Melanie Goward:
Ms Lauren Gulliver:
Miss Kirsty Jedrzejak:
Mr Paul Jones:
Mr Luke Stawski (Sports Organiser):
Elective PDHPE subjects offered:
Stages 4 and 5:
Year 8: Dance | Physical Activity and Sports Studies (PASS)
Year 9: Dance | Outdoor Recreation | Physical Activity and Sports Studies (PASS)
Year 10: Dance | Outdoor Recreation | Physical Activity and Sports Studies (PASS) /Rugby League
Stage 6:
Year 11 and 12: CAFS | Dance I PDHPE I Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation (SLR)
Year 8 Dance

Dance is both a practical and theoretical subject where students gain an understanding of dance as an art form. Students will be provided with opportunities to further develop their dance skills in the two core areas of performance and composition.
Main Topics Covered:
Performance – Dance technique and performance, safe dance practise, basic physiology of the human body, common causes / prevention and care of dance injury.
Composition – Exploration and improvisation, the elements of dance and choreographic skills a choreographer would consider as the foundation for the communication of an intent or idea within a dance work.
Particular Course Requirements:
Students will be required to wear a dance uniform for practical lessons. The dance uniform will consist of black dance pants (3/4 or full length), a plain black top and a black leotard for dance performances and assessment tasks for girls. Boys will require black shorts and a plain black top.
Year 8 Physical Activities and Sport Studies (PASS)

Course Description:
This course is designed to give students interested in human movement, physical development and movement skill development, a basic insight into the body and how it functions in these areas. The course is timetable for a semester in Year 8 to give students a ‘taste’ for Stage 5 PASS and other elective courses.
This course would appeal to any student interested in further study within the PDHPE area and for those who, at some time in the future, may become involved as a coach or participant of sporting and recreational activities.
Main Topics Covered:
• Body Systems
• Fitness Components and Testing
• Circuit Training
• American Sports
Stage 5 Dance

Course Description:
Dance is both a practical and theoretical subject where students gain an understanding of dance as an art form. Students will be provided with opportunities to further develop their dance skills in performance, composition and dance appreciation.
What will students learn about?
Preparing the body for dance, Arts as Stimulus, Musical Theatre, Jazz (Now and Then), Elements of Dance (Space, Time & Dynamics), Body Percussion, Safe Dance Practise, Cultural Dance and History of Dance
What will students learn to do?
Students learn the importance of safe dance practice. They develop performance quality and confidence through participation in various group and individual tasks and are provided various opportunities to showcase their performances.
Assessment will include both practical dance performances as well as theory elements throughout the year.
Additional Requirements:
Students will be required to wear a dance uniform for practical lessons. The dance uniform will consist of black dance pants (3/4 or full length) and a plain black top. A black leotard with also be required for dance performances and practical assessments.
Stage 5 Outdoor Recreation

Course Description:
This course would appeal to any student interested in further study in PDHPE and Outdoor Recreation. It provides an excellent link with Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation in senior school and for students interested in coaching or participating in recreational and sporting activities. This course is offered in either Year 9 or Year 10.
What will students learn about?
This course is designed to give students interested in Outdoor Recreation an opportunity to develop their skills, understandings and attitudes associated with safe and enjoyable outdoor recreation activities. Study of these areas aims to provide opportunities for developing leadership, techniques for group involvement, understandings about conservation, and methods employed to manage risk in outdoor recreation activities. At times the course will be physically demanding, which serves as an excellent source of health maintenance
What will students learn to do?
Students will learn the value of outdoor recreation, the technical skills and understandings needed for safe participation in outdoor recreation together with the impact of group dynamics on the outdoor experience and orienteering and navigational skills.
Typical course assessment tasks include ongoing assessment of practical activity participation and skills, research pamphlet and knowledge quizzes.
Additional Requirements:
Students must be prepared to be very physically active. An excursion may occur throughout the year which will involve a cost for transport and venue hire.
Stage 5 Physical Activity and Sports Studies

Course Description:
Physical Activity and Sports Studies aims to enhance students’ capacity to participate effectively in physical activity and sport, leading to improved quality of life for themselves and others.
Students engage in a wide range of physical activities in order to develop key understandings about how and why we move and how to enhance quality and enjoyment of movement.
The Physical Activity and Sports Studies CEC Years 7–10 course includes Life Skills outcomes and content for students with disability.
What will students learn about?
This course would appeal to any student interested in further study in PDHPE. It provides an excellent link with Stage 6 PDHPE and for students interested in coaching or participating in recreational and sporting activities.
What will students learn to do?
The course includes modules selected from each of the following three areas of study: Foundations of Physical Activity, Physical Activity and Sport in Society and Enhancing Participation and Performance.
Throughout the course, students develop knowledge, understanding and skills that develop their ability to:
- work collaboratively with others to enhance participation, enjoyment and performance in physical activity and sport
- display management and planning skills to achieve personal and group goals in physical activity and sport
- perform movement skills with increasing proficiency
- analyse and appraise information, opinions and observations to inform physical activity and sport decisions.
Typical course assessment tasks include assessment of participation and skills, laboratory reports, research reports, fitness testing and formal written examinations.
Additional Requirements:
Students must be prepared to be very physically active. An excursion may occur throughout the year which will involve a cost for transport and venue hire.
Year 10 Rugby League Studies
Course Description:
This course is designed for students who are interested in learning Rugby League skills, game sense, coaching, officiating, as well as the history of the game. At times the course will be physically demanding, which serves as an excellent source of health maintenance.
What will students learn about?
This course would appeal to any student interested in further study in PDHPE. It provides an excellent link with Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation and for students interested in coaching or participating in rugby league.
What will students learn to do?
Students learn game play, ways to improve skills, designing and implementing a coaching session for Rugby League. Students will also learn the rules of the game and demonstrate their understanding when refereeing a modified game at school.
Typical course assessment tasks include assessment of participation and skills of rugby league activities, research reports and knowledge quizzes.
Additional Requirements:
Parents/ carers will be required to complete a Rugby League Safe Permission note. Students will be required to bring a mouth guard and are encouraged to wear head gear and football boots.
Students must be prepared to be very physically active. An excursion may occur throughout the year which will involve a cost for transport and venue hire.
Stage 6 Elective courses in PDHPE
In Year 11 and 12, courses available include:
- Community and Family Studies – CAFS Stage 6
- Dance – Dance Stage 6
- Personal Development, Health and Physical Education – PDHPE Stage 6
- Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation Studies – SLR Stage 6
To learn more about our Stage 6 courses, please click on the links above or contact the school to find out information from our PDHPE faculty.