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Maitland High School

Maitland High School

Successful Teachers, Successful Students, Successful School

Telephone02 4933 7933

Year 11

Year 11 is an important time for students as they adjust to their senior schooling and prepare themselves for the HSC next year.

We offer an array of subjects in the senior years, allowing students to study content that will set them up for tertiary education and the workforce. Many students also attend TAFE as part of their senior schooling and also undertake School-Based Traineeships.

Our Year 11 Life Ready course is held early May. This mandatory course addresses various life skills young people may find useful in the near future. The course has a strong focus on Road Safety, Party Safety, Study Skills and Time Management. This course is delivered via a three day camp (Adventure Park Forster) and at school for students unable to attend camp.

Year 11 are also invited to attend Rotary Young Driver Awareness (RYDA) Program at Tocal in Term 3.

Subject choices: All year 11 students study English. The remaining 8 units of study are completed through selection of elective subjects listed below. 
Advanced English, English Studies, Extension 1 English, Mathematics, Mathematics General, Extension 1 Mathematics, Senior Science, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Legal Studies, Modern History, Geography, Ancient History, Business Studies, Society & Culture, Retail (VET), PDHPE, Sport Coaching (VET), Sport Leisure & Recreation, Dance, Visual Arts, Drama, Photography, Music, Information Processes & Technology, Software Design & Development, Industrial Technology Multimedia, Information & Digital Technology (VET), Computer Applications, Japanese, Community and Family Studies, Exploring Early Childhood, Textiles, Metal and Engineering (VET), Engineering Studies, Industrial Technology Timber, Industrial Technology Metal, Construction (VET), Hospitality (VET), Design & Technology, Aboriginal Studies and Work Studies.

Year 11 students have plenty to look forward to. Everyone is encouraged to attend the Year 11 Life Ready Camp and the RYDA (Rotary Young Drivers Awareness) Program. Also our Sports House Captains are Year 11 students, and these excellent leaders express their interest in being elected early in the year. 

Our Year 11 students are active members of various extra-curricular activities across the school. This includes but is not limited to: Sporting teams, Debating teams, Dance Ensemble, Drama Club, Music Ensembles and Leadership Programs. 

Year Adviser photo



If you would like to contact me
you can phone the school on 4933 7933 or email me at:


Josh Noble
Year 11 Advisor, 2024