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Maitland High School

Maitland High School

Successful Teachers, Successful Students, Successful School

Telephone02 4933 7933

HPGE Class

HPGE Opportunity Class

This class is provided with an enriched curriculum where each student is extended in all subjects and is encouraged to use higher order thinking, creativity and inquiry based learning.

Where applicable, the curriculum will be compacted. This ensures students are not simply repeating work they already understand, and leaves the teacher free to provide enriched learning opportunities according to student need and interest.

We believe it is imperative that all students are extended. Potential has no limits. Every one of our expert teachers has completed professional learning in differentiating the curriculum to ensure our talented students in mixed ability classes have access to an extended curriculum to meet their needs. Understanding how to personalise learning is a priority of the school's professional learning program.

Expressions of interest for the HPGE class can now be taken: 2024 HPGE class expression of interest form - Google Forms

  • All students will be eligible to apply for the class within zone
  • The class will be primarily determined through achievement in the domains of literacy and numeracy
  • HPGE applications are due to be submitted to the school administration office

The placement panel will consider a range of data including:

  • Maitland High School testing results
  • Latest Primary School Report
  • Year 5 NAPLAN Report
  • A copy of a completed school assigment
  • Create work (picture, drawing, poem, short story etc)
  • 400-word opinion piece on 'what matters to you'
  • Parental comment
  • Student comment
  • Primary school teacher comment

Students will remain in a core class for English, Mathematics, Science, HSIE, PDHPE and LOTE.

Further information about the class can be found at the below download link:

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