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Maitland High School

Maitland High School

Successful Teachers, Successful Students, Successful School

Telephone02 4933 7933

Specialist Support Unit

Specialist Support Unit learning during COVID19

Specialist Support Unit teachers will be providing learning activities to students in each support class. This will be available via online learning programs, email or booklets that can be collected at the school office. Teachers will notify parents and carers when new learning is available. Please contact your child’s teacher to discuss any learning or access concerns.

Specialist Support Class Teachers will contact parents and carers on a regular basis through SeeSaw app, email and by phone.

The Specialist Support Unit at Maitland High School has a community focus. Learning activities are based on real life situations and aim to develop life skills so students can become independent young people who participate safely, responsibly and respectfully in the wider community. Learning activities focus on developing communication, functional numeracy and literacy and preparing students for the world of work through community access and work experience programs.

Enrolment options for students with disabilities

Students with a confirmed disability may be enrolled in any one of the following:

  • regular classes (subject to standard enrolment procedures)

  • support classes in regular schools (subject to placement panel procedures)

  • special schools (subject to placement panel procedures)

The school principal, in consultation with the school's Learning and Support Team, will assist you to find the right schooling option for your child, taking into account your choice, your child's specific additional learning and support needs and proximity to local specialist services. Where a child is enrolled in a support class or a special school this is done through a process known as a placement panel.

Support Unit Programs

The Support Unit, at Maitland High School, provides students with programs aimed at creating independence for post school life. Year 11 and 12 students are involved in community based work experience, while year 9 and 10 students participate in at school work experience. The Support Unit has a coffee shop, The Down Under Cafe, which provides students with opportunity to learn about the world of work in a “real” situation. All classes participate in Community Access Programs, designed to teach students about being a responsible member of the community.

All support classes are involved in activities organised by the school. Students are integrated for Sport, year meetings, camps, excursions and special events.

Our proud students, enjoying Work Experience in the community. 

Who's Who in the Specialist Support Unit

Head of Faculty:

Jayne Cameron                                                                                                                                           0429373701

Specialist Support Class Teachers:

SSU1 - Renee Lockwood                

SSU2 – Jacquelyn Lindsay          

SSU3 – Chris Cameron             

SSU4 – Tayla Whittaker                  

SSU5 - Kylie Everson                  

SSU6 – Daniel Maloney                   

SSU7 – Evan Palmer                        

SSU8 – Kerin Joyce                          

Community Access Programs – Participating as a responsible member of the community

Work Experience in the school: Operating The Down Under Cafe

Celebrating Superhero day